10 Clever Ways To Make Him Remember Your Anniversary

February 27, 2021 0 Comments

By Alex Daniels

Men tend to forget. It doesn’t matter if it is an anniversary, a birthday or a doctor’s appointment; men are just not as organized as women. Their brains just don’t work the same way. If you’re lucky, your man might be a mama’s boy, which might be a good thing — but while one side effect is that he won’t forget his mother’s birthday, unfortunately he still might forget yours 🙂

To keep a man on track so he doesn’t forget any date, you can be his personal organizer. It can work surprisingly well, you’ll wonder what he would ever do without you. Here are a few tricks I suggest you use to remind your man:

* Calendar: Mark up the calendar with smiley faces on days that are important and highlight special dates with his initial. Draw hearts around your anniversary date.

* Music: Purchase a CD of your wedding song if you don’t have it lying around and play it during dinner the night before.


* Statement: Comment on the dullness of your wedding ring and suggest you get it cleaned.

* Note: Place a sticky note on the bathroom mirror that says “Do you know what today is?”

* Phone call: Ask your mother-in-law to call in the morning of your anniversary and wish you both a very happy anniversary.

* Object: Purchase a bottle of Champaign from the market and leave it and your wedding glasses on the table chilling.

* Message: Send your husband an E-Greeting Card to his work email.

* Card: Place a Thank You card in his lunch box that thanks him for the kind things he’s done for you.

* Flowers: Create or purchase a flower arrangement with the same type of flowers you had on your wedding day, and use them as a center piece on your kitchen table.

* Advertisement: Pay for an ad in your local newspaper, if he reads it every day. Try something right to the point. “George – Today is your anniversary! Love Karen”

If this fails, give in and make the reservations yourself. Men cannot help that at times they are absent-minded and being so doesn’t mean they love you any less. It just confirms that the woman is “the better half”.

About the Author: Alex is a consultant for an online gift shop offering gifts for him, cheap wedding favors and other gift & wedding-related stuff.

Source: isnare.com

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