Cat Behavior Why They Rub Against Things

September 1, 2021 0 Comments

By Ella Jasmine Hall

Do you notice how your cat always rubs itself against things like tree, curtain, couch, or any other things? Well, this is the reason why scratching post is one essential accessory to buy for your pet feline. To stop your pet from damaging your furniture and other things in the house, you must provide a reliable scratching post. However, have you ever thought why do cats need and love to scratch themselves against things? Here are some of the different types of rubbing and the reason behind this peculiar behaviour of your pet:

1. Chinning – when you see your cat rubbing the side of its face on things then you can refer this behaviour as chinning. They have scent glands in their chins and lips and they do chinning to be able to override the scents other animals left on certain things or items in the house. Animals are very much protective of their territories so when the cat smells scent left by another animal, he will make sure to spend time chinning over that thing until he is sure that the scent from another animal is already gone and replaced by his own scent.

2. Scratching – scratching is one of the most noticeable behaviour among cats. They scratch when they are bored or when they are alone. However, scratching is more often a way of cat to claim a territory most especially when they are in the presence of other animals in the house. Most owners discouraged this behaviour because it is dangerous for the furniture and other things in the house. Therefore, they try their best to train their cats to scratch only at the scratching post.


3. Head-butting – head-butting or simply ‘bunting’ is a gesture of cat to show their affection. They only head-butt those people that they trust and like. This gesture is also to show that they are in a good mood.

4. Full body contact – felines do not only love to scratch against things but also to people. You may notice how they rub their entire body all over you. This means that you are one of their favourite people so they want to mark you as part of their group. The scent could also transfer when the human strokes a cat. A group of cat would sure hiss at you after you stroked your pet cat. They will smell the scent of your cat that is not part of their group thus will make them feel threatened around you.

It would be great to understand the meaning behind different behaviours of your pet cat. So now, when your cat rubs itself against you, you know that it is because it is marking you as its favourite person or part of his group. Cats are definitely sweet and affection pet to have in the house. You should make sure to give them proper accessories and supplies that they need so they feel comfortable. Well, one of these accessories that your feline needs is a good scratching post that will allow them to scratch their body especially their claws at all times.

About the Author: Ella Hall enjoys writing for which sells

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cat beds

as well as a host of additional products.


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