History Of The Automobile

August 5, 2021 0 Comments

History of the Automobile


rohit kaushik

During the early 1900\’s, the electric car was the most popular. The drawback for such an engine, back then, was the unavailability of a battery that would allow a car to move over a long distance. Consequently, they did not stay in production beyond the first decade of the 20th century, in spite of some of the earlier speed records that were set by electric cars. The steam-driven automobiles lasted about ten years longer. The production and maintenance costs on steam engines were incomparable to the gas powered engines. There was also the added risk of a boiler explosion that kept the steam engine from becoming popular. The combustion engine gradually took over with early American automobile pioneers like Ransom E. Olds and Henry Ford building reliable combustion engines.


There were a very large number of automobile companies during these early stages with each company producing their own cars. This number gradually dropped as the years went by, and by the end of the century there were only a handful of such companies. France produced its first automobile in 1890. The first mass produced automobile in the US was the Oldsmobile with 425 of them being sold in 1901. The Ford Motor Company was organized in 1903 and sold its first car in a year. By 1920 Ford sold over a million cars.

Although, during the early years an automobile was something only the rich could afford, it gradually became affordable and increasingly popular among the general population in North America and Europe. This was facilitated by Henry Ford, by pricing his cars to be as affordable as possible and also by paying his workers enough to be able to purchase Ford cars.

Popularity of the automobile surged ahead during the boom period after World War I but dropped sharply during the Great Depression due to the high unemployment levels. The rapid growth of car owners after World War II, demonstrated the general population\’s acceptance of automobiles.

The automobile has provided people with mobility on a scale never known before, and brought about large scale changes in the day-to-day lives of people. Motor vehicles, plane and all auto Vehicle and paved roads narrowed the gap between rural and urban life. Farmers are now able to ship their produce effortlessly using trucks. Further, they can visit the towns whenever it is necessary. In addition, institutions such as regional schools and hospitals are now accessible by bus and car.


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