Inspecting A Used Boat

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By Harvey Ong
A boat, by any stretch of the imagination, is more expensive than a car. As such, when somebody buys a used boat, that somebody had better be prepared to give it a good inspection before signing the dotted line. A used boat is a far bigger financial investment than a car in any situation, particularly when one factors in little things like maintenance. It is an accepted fact in the boating community that with modern boats, maintenance is a bigger factor than age. It is, therefore, imperative that anyone even considering buying a vessel know what and how to look for signs that a vessel was poorly maintained.
Right off the bat, any potential boat owner should know what exactly he intends to use the vessel for, for two reasons. The first reason is that there are countless models out there and picking out the right used boat from among them often comes down to a matter of the design. Knowing what design fits what purpose is vital to narrowing down one’s options. The second reason is the countless regulations set by the US Coast Guard. The multitude of things that a boat in a certain category should adhere to can be daunting but must be complied with.
Another thing to remember is that there is absolutely no way to really determine how well-maintained a vessel is unless it is tested. This is because there is no real way to verify the performance capability of a used boat unless one actually takes a short cruise in it. In such a manner, a potential buyer can get a feel for just how the boat cuts through the surface of the water, along with a number of other subtle factors that can only be examined while in water. Coincidentally, a cruise test is also the best way to check if the hull has any leaks and just how bad said leaks are.
Should a cruise test be impractical at the time, there are still things that can be done to determine just how well maintained a used boat is. The most obvious thing to look for would be areas along the hull that have suffered damage. Any damage, even a slight dent, can be used as an indication of poor maintenance or some damage that can be detrimental to the performance and stability. It is also possible to check for salt damage while a vessel is not in the ocean. Since salt can and will affect all areas of a vessel, regardless of the part being above or below the water, no sensible boat owner would dodge the responsibility of preventing salt damage.
Check the hull of the used boat for corrosion both inside and outside. If the surface of the ship has not been properly protected, the boat could easily corrode, compromising the stability of the vehicle and the safety of the passengers. On certain craft, one should also be careful to check the ropes and the rigging, particularly for sailboats. Checking for cracks, particularly in aluminum boats, can also help determine just how well protected a ship was from the natural hazards of the waters. Check if the hull has spots that have suffered discoloration; such discoloration also indicates that the vessel has not been cared for properly.
Naturally, if the buyer has checked the boat, he should also check the engine. A clean engine is integral to a boat since it reduces the chances of the ship just suddenly stopping in the middle of the ocean. A buyer should not expect a used boat engine to be absolutely immaculate but, at the very least, should expect the engine to be free of any clogs and grime. The buyer should also check for rust, since a rusty engine can lead to slower speeds. Should the engine have oil, be sure to take a look at that as well. Foam build-up in the oil may be an indicator of possible seawater contamination in the fuel tanks.
In the end, all of these steps can save anyone a ton of money when buying a used boat. Understandably, not everyone will be able to spot what needs to be spotted. For buyers who have never bought a boat before, used boat or otherwise, it is advisable to bring a boat mechanic along, or someone similarly experienced. If they bought a more experienced person along, first-time buyers need not worry about being fooled by unscrupulous sellers.
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