Pregnancy Insomnia And 10 Survival Tips

January 30, 2022 0 Comments

Submitted by: Lelliot Peters

For women during their first 3 months of pregnancy, insomnia is a feature that they may never have considered before but in fact insomnia becomes a part of an expectant women s life even before the dreaded morning sickness.

Many think that insomnia is just a natural occurrence put down to the very nature of the incredible physical change that is occurring during pregnancy but the initial onset of insomnia has more to do with the hormonal changes that are taking place.

Even the sleep that you get is likely to be less quality or deep sleep which is bad news for you as you are likely to feel like you are always trying to catch up with your sleep debt but don t worry about it affecting your future baby s health because it won t.

Early symptoms of pregnancy is daytime fatigue which can be down to either iron deficiency if you re not taking correct prenatal supplements or by an increase in the production of progesterone which increases in the early stages of pregnancy and is known to have a sedative effect. This daytime fatigue can upset the normal sleeping patterns making it harder to get to sleep at night.

Progesterone production also relaxes the muscle walls of the bladder and that with the ever increasing growth of the foetus will mean more trips to the bathroom in the night.


About a third of expectant women experience snoring and being overweight can make a woman more susceptible to sleep apnea which could mean a decrease in the levels of oxygen supply for you and your growing foetus. Any concerns should be shared with your medical practitioner.

In pregnancy insomnia can be a result of anxiety and worry about the development of the foetus and the birth. The use of relaxation techniques should help in setting the right tone before retiring.

To help sleeping as well as can be expected your daily routine might need adjusting a little but what s good for you is going to be good for the baby.

Exercising regularly and keeping your weight in check will be positive for your sleep and also for the overall health of you and your baby.

Napping during the day may not be recommended for normal insomniacs but given the extraordinary changes a mother to be is undergoing, it can be beneficial to take a short nap, as long as it isn t too late in the day. It will then provide the boost needed for your daily exercise. Yes I m a great fan of exercise.

Heartburn is a common outcome during pregnancy. Eat small meals during the day avoiding spicy and fatty foods. Also try sleeping with the head of the bed elevated.

Avoid caffeinated drinks after 3pm and eliminate alcohol and cigarettes.

Drink plenty of water during the day but ease right off in the evening.

If it s the middle of the night and you can t get to sleep don t worry about not being able to sleep and how you re going to cope with the following day. Firstly you will almost certainly get more sleep than you actually think. Secondly if you can t sleep get up and do something boring.

Have a set period of relaxation before going to bed. This might include some breathing and movement techniques followed by a warm bath.

Make your bedroom a haven of peace and tranquillity without noise, too much light and disturbance.

The recommended way to sleep especially in the third trimester is on your left side allowing better blood flow to the foetus, uterus and kidneys.

Later in pregnancy women may have trouble sleeping simply because of the discomfort but it s important not to be tempted by any sleeping drugs even over the counter ones unless the obstetrician has approved them.

After pregnancy insomnia becomes a thing of the past; well not quite but at least progesterone levels go back to normal which as an inhibitor of lactation now means it s feeding time every 2 hours even through the night oh no!

About the Author: Lelliot is a long term sufferer of insomnia and has been researching into pregnancy insomnia and all things sleep related for about 15 years. Get advice on beating insomnia and other sleeping resources


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