Simple Explanation About Celiac Disease

November 24, 2021 0 Comments

By Jack L Bloom

Celiac disease is referred to as the inability of the body to process gluten. Also called gluten sensitivity enteropathy, celiac disease is characterized by stimulation of the body to produce antibodies to harm or damage the tiny hair-like projections lining the small intestine of the person with this disease upon the ingestion of food containing gluten. This tiny hair-like projection that lines the small intestine is known as the villi. These tiny structures are responsible for nutrient absorption into the blood stream. Consequently, absorption of nutrients to the bloodstream is hindered due to unhealthy villi.

Therefore, if the body has the incapacity to absorb nutrients there will be greater chances of developing unhealthy body condition such as malnutrition and other health-related issues. There are studies showing association of heredity as the cause of development of Celiac disease while some studies are also based on certain medical conditions like childhood gastroenteritis as the causative factor. It often occurs on children and the only means of diagnosis is through biopsy of a colon tissue sample.

Celiac disease is often suspected when a child seems not to gain weight, to have a stomach that sticks out beyond the normal extent, usually constipated or sometimes have bulky, frequent and foul-smelling stools. Unfortunately, cure is not yet established to be effective; thus the only known cure is to eliminate gluten from the food that is eaten. On the other hand, careful supervision and consultation with the medical doctor is the best option that you can take on.

While this seems to be a very frustrating and tiresome disease to deal with; the good thing is the hope given by the cases wherein a patient suffering from Celiac disease outgrows the condition. When this happens, normal and usual diet is then resumed and normal healthy development of the body will resume as well.

Since most babies and young children with Celiac disease may have allergy to cow’s milk; it is essential to feed them with other vitamin sources like fresh vegetables and fruits. Other nutrients could then be derived from fresh fish and nuts. It is highly necessary that you always include healthy non-gluten foods in the diet so as to restore health and reduce the risk of developing other damages to the intestinal tract. Seek the guidance of the doctor if a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement is necessary to meet the nutritional needs essential to the developing body. The doctor is the right person to know if the vitamin or mineral supplement is totally gluten-free.


Some Ideas for vitamins for celiac:

Treat Celiac with vitamin D

People who have celiac are usually prone to bone problems like osteopoenia.

Vitamin D, along with calcium, can help fight off the effects of celiac in the body.

Doctors usually prescribe the daily RDA for Vitamin D and about 250 mg of calcium thrice a day. With these two nutrients working to address the issues that pertains to the bones, people with celiac should not worry about their bones thinning out due to the disease.

Vitamin C for Celiac

The use of Vitamin C in the body is just too many.

For one, it is a very good anti-oxidant. But in this case, Vitamin C is taken more to reduce histamine in the blood. Histamine is the term given to the by-product of the body’s allergic responses.

Take note that people suffering from celiac have lowered nutrition levels, resulting to a weaker immune system. They are more prone to allergies than any other people. Around 2000 mg of Vitamin C a day should be sufficient. It is suggested that half of the dosage is taken during morning and the other one during the night.

Celiac disease needs proper management, it is therefore vital that vitamins for celiac is supplied to the body in order to ensure healthy development until symptoms are totally cleared out of the body.

About the Author: Jack L Bloom is the owner of the

online vitamin assistant

. For more information visit the

vitamins for Celiac



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