Want To Repair Your Old, Cracked Venetian Plaster Walls?

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By Adam Peters
Older homes do not come without any problems and cracked and dry Venetian plaster is just one problem that you may have to contend with. If you do not have a lot of money then you may be wondering how you can repair the plaster without having to spend a fortune. Luckily there is a way and it is known as ‘paint-n-tex’.
How Paint-n-Tex Could Help to Repair Your Home
You need to start by clearing any pictures and decorative objects away from the walls and cleaning everything up so that there is no dirt or dust lying around. Then you need to protect the flooring and so it would be a good idea to have some painters plastic which can spread out around the area you are treating.
Then it is time to prepare the walls and you can do this with a drywall knife. Simply scrape the cracks and do not worry about any chips in the plaster or paint as it is likely to happen and it can be fixed. As soon as all of the raised types of cracks have been scraped down to size, you should then start to mix the drywall compound and ensure that you follow the directions. Once applied allow it to dry and then sand the area down with a 220 grit piece of sandpaper. If you find that the cracks in your wall are not that bad then you can simply miss out the scraping step.
Now it is time to use paint-n-tex. You can basically pick up paint-n-tex from any good hardware store and it is priced quite cheaply too. Within each box of paint-n-tex you will find two bags of the Tex material. You simply need to remember that you should use one bag for every gallon of paint that you are using. Once you know how much to use, pour the Tex into the paint can and mix them together. You should notice that it becomes thick and when it does you just pour it into a tray and use a rough roller to apply it onto the wall. Try not to go over the area too much and you should be ok.
Overall paint-n-tex works for any color of paint and it is inexpensive to purchase. It is not hard to repair the walls yourself and providing you clean the walls before hand, you should end up with brilliant results.
About the Author: Adam Peters is the journalist of consumer websites, who has written more articles on wall textures for http://www.home-decorating-reviews.com . Find more publications about how to apply venetian at his website.
Source: isnare.com
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